
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ten Things Wednesday

Hello!  I hope it's nice and sunny where you are.  We're in the middle of the most amazing spring in Seattle - we're going on 7 straight days of sun!  Unheard of this time of year!

Since this blog is still pretty new, I thought it was time for another round of Ten Things about me.  Because what is blogging for, if not to express yourself?  And let people know what you like.  Ahem.  My birthday is coming up.

1. These Salted Caramel Toffee Macaroons.  Dude.  I made some for teacher gifts and then I made a second batch just for me...which my kids and their friends promptly demolished leaving nary a crumb.  Which was probably a good thing for my waistline.  Make some RIGHT NOW. 

2.  Remember last time when I said I was bored with Game of Thrones this season?  Yeah, I still am.  I got some flack about it last time, but I stand by my decision.  Although, the Kaleesee was SO awesome when she got her army. 

3.  I just bought this pattern and this one too.  I can buy a seller's license for the pants - any interest there?  I'm thinking jammies for girls OR boys.  Whaddya think?

4.  I finally got the Sirius XM subscription hooked up in my car...and 90s on 9 is my new love.  I mean Green Day followed by R Kelly followed by Digable Planets?!  Hello.  I was bumping this song in the school drop off line yesterday and the crossing guard was cracking up.  Oh well.  It's one of my all time favorites!  Cuz I'm cool like that.  Get it?

5.  You know how sometimes a meal comes along that combines all of your favorite things?  This one comes close.  Nom nom nom.

6.  I am sort of a lip-gloss-aholic.  As in, I just cleaned out my purses (wait, maybe I'm a purseaholic too...) and car and found no less than 16 lip glosses.  But I use them all!  I swear!  These are my new faves though.  The color lasts almost all day and they have a nice flavor to them.  I have three and use them the most often.

7. Speaking of's almost time for the Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale.  Not that I am counting down the days or anything...

8.  Are you Instagram?  Who are your favorite people to follow?  I had way too much fun the other night with the Met Ball outfits AND the James Beard Awards...chef porn combined with couture porn?  Yes please.  You can always follow me...but I can't guarentee any celeb sightings ;-)  Food porn...I've got you covered.

9.  I admit to not being a very good eater when it comes to lunch.  I just nibble on a bit of this or a handful of that, and before I know it, I've eaten 400 bad calories and I'm still hungry.  So I started a Pinterest board full of recipes that I think would make good lunch items.  Check it out!

10.  Finally, because we should all have a dream, and my dream is a big, beautiful space for all of my crafting/sewing crap stuff, have you seen these?  A friend of mine just got one and I will admit that the green eyed monster showed up in my head for a bit.  Those things hold SO. MUCH.  I want one.  Bad.

BONUS Thing: My giveaway is still going strong though Friday, May 10!  And if you've already entered but want the chance to win a ton more cool free handmade stuff, head on over to Sew, Mama, Sew! for the links to all of the giveaways.  There's some serious loveliness up for grabs!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! But I think that craft box company is just plain silly...who would ever actually close it up neat and tidy (maybe just day one and cleaning lady day :-P)
