
Monday, May 6, 2013

Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway! - CLOSED

Happy Monday, friends!

Do you love an easy way to win something?  I know I do!

Sew, Mama, Sew! is having their annual Giveaway Day and yours truly is participating!

This year, I will be giving away one Frida tunic to a lucky winner!

Here are just a few examples that I currently have listed in the shop:

The winner will choose their size (girls' size  2T-10) and fabric combination.  There are so many fabulous combinations to choose!  This top is made with permission from a Mod Kid pattern and is super comfortable, due to the fact that there are no buttons or zippers - just vents that tie at the side. 

Want one for the little girl in your life?  Just leave a comment telling me about what your summer vacation plans are and I will pick a winner on May 12 using  It's that easy!  The winner will need to give me measurements and expect the top to ship in 2 to 3 weeks, since this will be a custom made item.  I will ship to the US and internationally!  How great is that?

Sew, Mama, Sew! is hosting giveaways in several different categories, so hop on over there to see what else is going on!  And don't forget to stock up on their fabric while you can - they are closing their store soon!

Congratulations to Stacy G!!!!  Stacy, please check your email and contact me ASAP to claim your prize!


  1. We have no plans, but hopefully will getting a camping weekend in and a visit with out of town family!

  2. Lots of camping and working on finishing the basement of our house.

  3. These tops are so cute! My daughter would love it!

    The only specific plans we have right now is a weekend camping at the beach. Normally we camp in the mountains, but we thought the kids might like a change this year!

    Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity :)


  4. Texas vacation. Food, wedding, and friends/family.

  5. I plan to do lots of gardening this year! My 7yr old and my 4 yr. old are going to have their own corner, too!

  6. I babysit my grandchildren so we will be doing a lot of day trips, gardening, and art projects etc. We are also going to the Baltimore Aquarium and on a trip to Philadelphia with friends. I have four grandchildren, 3 boys and a girl and another boy due in September -- guess who will get the dress? I showed her the pictures and she said "Mom mom I will look beautiful in that purple dress!!" no self-esteem problems here!!

  7. Beautiful dresses! We are heading to Asheville, NC to visit my sister in law! Looking forward to the mountains!
    mcintoshsusan at Hotmail dot com

  8. Gorgeous dresses!
    We have no holiday plans this year!

  9. We'll be taking a trip to Kansas to meet our new niece/nephew!

  10. We really have no big plans this year! Just hope to enjoy plenty of simple family time. Such pretty dresses. Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. Unfortunately, out finances restrict us from taking vacations. Luckily, I live in an area that offers a lot of natural beauty :)

  12. We planned to go to Lake Michigan with my in-laws... but now we have a baby due this summer, so we may not be vacationing at all. :)
    peachstateme at hotmail dot com

  13. We're going to Hilton Head, SC this month! I hate the heat of the summer, so we're not going away after that (for a long trip, at least)...but Hilton Head in May is my favorite! The water is perfect even though it's's just wonderful!

  14. We're taking a vacation to Chicago to meet up with some of the girls my daughter lived with as a baby in Vietnam (before we adopted her). So excited!!

    jennifereladd at yahoo dot com

  15. We are going camping on the Oregon coast for a week!

  16. Well we are getting married in August (our little girl is bridesmaid) so that is taking up most of your summer vacation!!

  17. We don't have too many summer plans yet, but hopefully we'll be able to open our pool!

  18. We're spending a week at the beach and a weekend at my grandfather's place in Michigan and another weekend in New York City - with lots of very ordinary work/camp days in between :)

  19. I'm going to summer camp with the high schoolers from my church!

  20. 8 days in Kauai and a family wedding/vacation in Toronto :) :)

  21. We plan on going to the beach as much as possible as we live 1 hour away and go to the pool.

  22. Oooh very nice. I was so sad the first year I was neither in grad school nor teaching, because people kept asking me what I was doing for summer break... but people with most kinds of jobs don't get summer break! And my husband's got a regular job, though I'm with the baby and not working now, so we don't have a summer vacation. Boo! I'm going to my 10 year college reunion at the end of the month (and seeing my brand new nephew born last Tuesday, conveniently in the same town), and possibly (fingers crossed) tagging along with the husband to a conference in Hungary (!) in the fall, but neither one's in the summer.

  23. No plans yet but I am sure we will do something!

  24. I don't have any huge plans-- my sisters and parents are all going to a shore house for a week in New Jersey this summer. I am really looking forward to that. Otherwise, I will be making goos use of my Zoo Membership with the peanut :)

  25. My summer plans are to spend time at the beach with my family. Thanks for the chance to win one of your adorable girl's tunic.

  26. What gorgeous dresses! All the fabrics are so pretty. We have no vacation plans, with a special delivery expected in the next few weeks... but my mum will finally be coming to visit us from the other side of the world. Exciting times all round.

  27. Wow, these dresses are fab!!

    We don't have any vacation plans... so far, my plans are... turn 30!!

    abigail (dot) lee {at] gmail {dot} com

  28. We don't have any vacation plans. We live in FL, so definitely will be at the beach ALOT!


  29. Don't have a lot of summer plans and I like it that way...just relax and go with the flow!

  30. Summer plans have us heading to our favorite camping spot in PEI. I love your tunics, they are so sweet!

  31. We are planning to relax and take a few weekend trips to visit friend and family.

  32. We will be visiting family in the mountains this weekend, and in August we will spend a few days at the beach. Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsmchappell at gmail dot com

  33. No summer plans as of yet. Possibly a trip to Sea World San Antonio..

  34. Florida!! Just going to visit friends, but looking forward to it!!

  35. Adorable. Going to visit family and enjoy ourselves.

  36. Other than visiting my family in TX in June, we don't really have any plans...Hopefully a camping trip up to Maine though :)

    Cute tunics!!

  37. No big summer plans other than exploring our city by bus.

  38. We're going to the beach like everyday! I need a TAN!

  39. hubby and I were just discussing this....His family reunion will be in NW Nebraska this August! It is very out of the way for us so I am campaining to also include Rushmore and custer national park in Rapid City SD. Kinda excited about hitting up a bit of Americana. Do we fly or roadtrip with two kids under 5?

  40. We don't have any summer vacation plans this year, but my daughter turns two next month and this could be the cutest birthday blouse! Thanks for the chance to win.

  41. We are going to go to Virginia Beach, VA to visit our oldest daughter! My grandson will get to see his mother it has been over a year. We plan to go to the beach and play in the ocean! I would love this dress for our granddaughter she is (3months) and lives in K y! Thanks. Someone will be very lucky!

  42. I have plans to go to Yellowstone. Thanks for chance to win, it would look cute on my daughter.

  43. I have several weddings to attend this summer: one is in Italy and the other is not far away on Tegernsee. I think we may be camping for one, so that should be interesting!

    Love all the dresses you've made. The colors are just wonderful!


  44. I love your color combinations!
    We will be going to Estonia to visit my side of the family :)

  45. I love your little dresses! We are planning to just enjoy being outside more - no travel this year.

  46. Wow!Amazing,love it,this would be perfect for my little girl.I am hopping to go to the sea,maybe Greece.Amazing giveaway,thank you for the chance to win it.

  47. The beach is our usual summer vacation spot. The dress is adorable. My granddaughter would love it!

  48. We're off to the South of France with some friends for two weeks in July, there will be lots of children, good food, excellent wine and fun had by all!

  49. Just darling! I'd love one of your dresses for my grandgirl! Our big summer plans is our son's wedding in CA!!

  50. we have no plans but hoping for a summer of great weather after our last 3 years of rainy summers!

  51. So adorable! I love the pattern!
    We're going on a three week road trip through Utah, Montana, Nebraska, Illinois, Colorado, and back home to California!

  52. We're planning on participating in our local Relay for Life. We'll also do a few day trips like to Mt St Helens and a local amusement park. The county fair is also a must do for summer.

  53. Oh my gosh are these precious? I will be spending the summer with my girls at the lake in Maine! yay!

  54. any of thesewoul look gorgeouson my baby girl! We will spend our summer holiday in Germany with my family. Sunny greetings from Spain!

  55. I haven't made any plans yet. My best friend just got married two days ago, so all of my forward planning skills have been helping her and working out what I needed to do as her bridesmaid, and what my OH needed to do as an usher. Now that's over, I can start planning for me.

  56. My 6 year old would be gaga over the blue with rainbow flowers.

    I always make these elaborate plans for vacation and never manage to pull them off, so this year my plan is to find a nice pond somewhere nearby (we live right near the ocean) and take my girls there weekly, away from the tourists, to just chill out.

  57. Our main "vacation" in the summer is going to church camp. Once we hit the first of the year, the kids start counting down the months and days until we leave. It's a family camp so we all attend/work.

  58. We're going to Chicago for a long weekend to visit friends from college. Thanks for hosting!

  59. Summer plans are house hunting :( Thanks for the chance!

  60. Lots of day camps and swim lessons!

  61. We don't have any summer vacation plans because we are saving all our vacation time and money for Oktoberfest in Munich this fall!

  62. Quilt retreat. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  63. my sister has a pool so we are planning on spending lots of time over there this summer!

  64. We are spending the summer in Boulder, CO and plan to do lots of camping and outdoor stuff

  65. This is so cute! My 5 year old daughter would love a purple designed one! We have no summer plans yet, but to spend lots of time outside playing & swimming in the kiddie pool. ha! Thanks so much!

  66. Heading to Tennessee for a Smoky Mountain reunion with my sisters and their families. I'm planning on a few days in Nashville too- I've never been there.

  67. Very cute! I am excited for summer so we won't have homeowrk or schedules to deal with.

  68. They are so cute!
    This Summer we plan to move into our new house :)

  69. We have just finished summer in Australia. my winter plans are work and sewing. thanks for such a lovley give away.

  70. That's beautiful! No vacation plans here. We will probably visit a few local parks and enjoy some picnics. We are too busy with animals and the garden to travel in the summer. One of my daughters would be proud to wear your handmade shirt.

  71. Beautiful work. We are doing a bunch of work on our new house and travel plans are visiting family for at least two different weeks!

  72. We have a couple long weekends planned. One to New Mexico to visit family. One to Salida,Colorado. And one to Este Park, Colorado

  73. This year we have a camping trip planned for 1 week at Green Lake, BC.

    Nice tunics!

  74. I would love to go to the netherlands with my family.
    Have a sunny day and thank you for the chance.

  75. We haven't really made plans for the summer because we are moving in July but we will probably fit a camping trip in there somewhere. Hopefully in the rocky mountains. Thank you for the chance to win.

  76. We're going to be gardening, swimming, and hopefully making sour pickles this summer.

  77. We are going out west with my extended family.

  78. We are going to travel to Washignton State, tour around Seattle, visit family and friends, and so see the sites.

  79. My plan is stay at home and finishing the WIPs

  80. movies, water parks, playdates, cleaning my house aaaand... sewing!! :) yay!

  81. Heading to Williamsburg next month

  82. We're going to the beach for a week in May, and then again for a day or two in August after our daughter is born--we're a beach family.

  83. We plan on going to COSI in Columbus, and then the Columbus zoo! atabanana29(at)gmail(dot)com

  84. heading to the beach for a couple of weeks

  85. Just hanging out in backyard! So cute!!

  86. My husband and I are driving out to Glacier National Park in Montana and we're taking our kids to South Dakota for a camping trip.

  87. We stay at a cottage and go to the beach, counting the days until we go

  88. No summer vactaion this year. We went on a cruise recently as I am going in to have breast cancer surgury and I will be healing and out of commission this summer. The kids and I will just be spending their summmer beak here at home takeing it easy. This is so adorable by the way. . They area ll so cute.Thank you for the chance to enter such a wonderful giveaway. conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

  89. We will be visiting with family this summer as we have 2 babies arriving soon.

  90. We will be spending a week at Holden Beach, NC.

  91. I plan to drink a lot of wine and camp... but not on a large rock (I always manage to find that one is lurking under my sleeping bag somehow) cynsaw(at)yahoo(dot)ca

  92. At the moment we have no plans but maybe we can get away to the beach this summer. I hope.

  93. Headed to a grassroots type reunion for my college department, and, of course, some weddings.

  94. I don't have any big summer vacation plans except for mini vacations in our backyard, sharing with friends and family.

    detroitgirl77 AT gmail DOT com

  95. We took our big vacation in Feb (to Florida), so our only plans are an extended camping weekend in August

  96. Starting our summer schedule again: Moist Mondays (water park) Terrible Tuesdays (errands, groceries, etc) Wet Wednesdays (pool/ocean/lake) Thoughtful Thursdays (library) Fabulous Fridays (something that requires a paid admission, ie mini golf, museum, etc. My five year old helped with the alliteration 8) And she is Rosie and would LOVE one of the dresses.

  97. What an awesome giveaway! My granddaughter would look darling in one of these. My summer plans are lots of sewing and some good times in a canoe. Thanks so much for sharing.

  98. Gorgeous dresses! Camping, camping and more camping ;-)

  99. This summer we have to travel from Alabama to Texas to be in my cousin's wedding! :)

    hayatiggs at comcast dot net

  100. Our summer plans are to spend as much time in the water as possible

  101. As always, the family goes down to Myrtle Beach every times!

  102. If I won, I would choose a size 6 for my daughter. She is growing like a weed and is in need of some new custom adorable clothes!! What an awesome tunic for summer! Our summer plans are to go camping at least once. :) TY for the chance.

  103. Wow, how generous! I love your examples! We have a ton of stuff planned for the summer - a trip to South Carolina, lots of camps, and tons of baseball!

  104. We're joining my sisters and their families in Tennessee for a Smoky Mountain getaway. I'm planning a little jaunt to Nashville on the way,with my nearly-20 year old son,I've never been there.
