
Friday, August 30, 2013


Whew...I can't believe that today is the last day of summer vacation for my little family!  I thought it would be fun to link up with Jeanette at Life Rearranged for Instafriday with a look back at our summer in pictures! 

I had a birthday.  I felt I ate a few cupcakes :)

My little fishies played in the pool.

And we spent a LOT of time at the beach :)

My baby turned SIX.  She's starting FIRST GRADE next week.  Waaaaah!

 This happened:

And then we just couldn't stop with the yummy food:


My kids enjoyed some relaxing down time:

Where we crafted

 Wandered through Seattle with our Girl Scout Troop:

and took some nice evening walks.
Oh yeah, and we ate a LOT of ice cream!

My oldest started baking
And sewing...
She's so big!

 Not to be outdone, my little one got her ears pierced so she could be a big girl too:
As for me, I took lots of naps, made some jam,

Organized my binders

 and spent lots of time with this guy :)

 While these girls were at superhero and Nana camp:

I'll miss these little goofballs while they're at school but...

am happy that there will be a little time for this:
What a fun summer!  You can follow me on Instagram here and be sure to check in with the other bloggers linking up for InstaFriday here.  Have a great holiday weekend!


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