
Friday, July 26, 2013

Instafriday #15

Whew - it's been a busy week!  My littlest little turned 6, I took my Girl Scout Troop all over downtown Seattle, and we ate lots of ice cream.  I'm linking up with Life Rearranged for Instafriday.

My oldest and I had fun with some Crayola Air Dry Clay and made these cute little critters. 

We got the directions for the latest American Girl Magazine - so many fun ideas in there!
We LOVE sushi in our family and now that the kids are older, our orders get pretty huge.  I couldn't even fit the whole boat in my shot!  Yep, it all got inhaled quickly :)

This girl turned SIX!!  Where did the time go?!  Also, I *heart* Rhonna Designs' new app!  So fun!

My geeky husband's gift to the birthday girl.  This book is HILARIOUS, especially if you've been forced to watch Star Wars over and over and over again ;-)

Our Girl Scout troop went on a scavenger hunt through Seattle, and ended at the Great Wheel.  Picture me in a tiny compartment with 5 squealing little girls for an hour.  I still have a headache, but all in all, it was a great time :)

My own girls had so much fun!

The birthday girl could not believe how high up we were.

After all of the weekend excitement...I felt lazy and decided to let the girls have ice cream for dinner.  Of course I needed some too.

Another AG Magazine find - a recipe for no-bake cookies that my big girl made all by herself :)  And they were delicious, too!

We had our family pictures done one evening, and I caught the girls on the walk back to the car.  Yes I made their dresses...big stuff coming, so stay tuned!

This meal was one of the best I've made in a while.  There's a huge error in the recipe (1 teaspoon of salt, not 4!), but the rest of it is perfect!  I highly suggest you make it while the weather is still perfect for grilling!

Yes, I've already done some of our back to school shopping.  Our school basically requires us to buy everything but the desk, so I like to do it in spurts based on the ads.  Of course, I always have to buy a treat for me - sharpies in neon colors?!  Yes, please!

I was craving pie, but didn't want to work that hard or wait that long, so I made this cherry apricot crostata a few nights ago.  No recipe...just my favorite pie crust, the fruit, and a sprinkle of sugar.  YUM!

This was breakfast this morning: chia pudding made with almond milk, a splash of honey, and topped with fresh blueberries.  YUM!

Head on over the Life Rearranged to check out what the rest of the folks have linked up!  You can follow me on Instagram here.

life rearranged

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