
Friday, July 19, 2013

Instafriday #14

I'm linking up again with Jeanette from Life Rearranged for Instafriday! Here's what I've been up to lately:

This girl LOVES to accessorize!  She also loves playing cards...I sense a future poker star!

Did you get your free Slurpee on July 11?  I did.  And uh...I also redid my nails.  Ew.

When my kids complain, they have to clean.  And I get to enjoy clean floors.  (Side note: the Shark Steam Mop is AWESOME!  Make sure you get the one with all of the attachments!)

We had some family in town, which always means that the hubs and I can go out for date night.  We hit up our favorite movie theater to see Red 2 (hilarious, BTW!) and share a pitcher of mimosas.  Yum!

All of the sewing I've been doing means I NEEDED one of these.  Next to my seam ripper, this thing is my new favorite tool in the sewing room! 

Yep, I had a good birthday :)  I also got a bias tape more burnt fingers for me!!  This thing is also awesome.  Stay tuned for a tutorial on making bias tape with it or the old fashioned way :)

This no-bake s'mores pie was AWESOME.  Especially on a hot day when we didn't have to heat up the oven or stove.  Added bonus: My husband got to use the propane torch.  Cooking with flames is always fun!

Yummiest dinner ever: Cilantro Lime Shrimp, grilled corn, and my famous bean salad.  SO good.  Especially when watermelon was for dessert!

During my last shop update photo shoot, I got this cute picture of my oldest practicing her yoga.  Love her! 

Summer means homemade popsicles at our house.  I love making them from leftover fruit (this was strawberries, blueberries, and kiwis) and some apple juice.  Just chop up your fruit, stuff it in the mold, and top off with juice.  White grape juice works well, too.  Easy and healthy!

You can always follow along with me on Instagram - I'm thegracefulroseshop over there!  Be sure to check out Life Rearranged to see what the other bloggers are up to!

life rearranged

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